Why Joy?
Eric’s house – Christmas 2018
You might wonder why joy is the focus of my writing and preaching. I'm a joyful person but I also get grouchy and cranky sometimes. I have experienced deep sadness in my life as well. This isn't about putting on a fake smile when you're actually grieving. Joy is from God and gives us strength in any situation.
Joy is all about Jesus!
The foundational passage of scripture of all my work is Nehemiah 8:10 and I actually prefer the one from the New American Standard Bible.
"Then he said to them, “Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
There are so many awesome things here!
Eating fat! Who doesn't like a perfectly cooked rib-eye steak?
Drinking the sweet! Whether that's a sweet wine like is most likely referred to here or a delicious cream soda, it's a joy to drink the sweet stuff.
Sending portions to those who aren't prepared! It feels so good to share with those who can't afford this feast or just didn't get ready for it. It really is better to give than to receive.
Do not be grieved! God is telling these people to not grieve that are crying because they feel guilty and convicted, not people that experienced a death in the family or something like that. So God is saying to not let your guilt and shame get you down.
The joy of the Lord is your strength! God's joy is a special joy that will strengthen in all times, even in the worst of times.
How good is this?
How good is this kind of joy?
How unique is this definition of joy?
How kind is God to us in the midst of guilt and shame and sorrow?
This is just the tip of the iceberg, but this is why I love joy so much and want to talk about it every day.
The joy of the Lord is our strength. What do you think about this kind of joy? Is this new to you? Does this shift anything for you?